Monday, July 18, 2011

How To Memorize The Order Of Flats And Sharps

The key signature is the area between the clef sign and the time signature. In that space, you may have some flats or sharps written there. Have you noticed something about this? The sharps and flats always appear in the same order. This is called the order of flats and sharps.

If you have them memorized, then getting started playing will be an absolute breeze. The two main types of keys we play in are the sharp keys and the flat keys. Let's take a look at each one to discover how we can read these a lot faster and easier.

The Order of Sharps

As we've already mentioned, the sharps listed in the key signature will always appear in the same exact order. This is referred to as the order of sharps: F#-C#-G#-D#-A#-E#-B#.

There's an easy way to remember this by using this quick trick: Fat-Cats-Go-Down-Alleys-Eating-Birds.

Here's another interesting observation. Along with appearing in the same order, these sharps will also be found in the same exact line or space every time. This is true for both treble clef and bass clef.

For example, the F# will always be listed on the top line in treble clef, the C# appears on the second space in bass clef, the G# is found sitting above the treble clef staff, and the D# is placed on the fourth line of the treble clef staff.

The Order of Flats

This is just as easy to memorize as the order of sharps. The flats will always appear in this order: Bb-Eb-Ab-Db-Gb-Cb-Fb. A great way to remember this is by using this saying, "B-E-A-D-Go-Catch-Fish".

Do you notice something else unique about these letters? The order of flats is the same as the order of sharps, but written backwards! If you have trouble memorizing both of these orders, just pick one to remember and then write it out again backwards to reveal the other order. That's a nifty little trick!

It's also true that each flat will appear on the same exact line or space every time, just like the sharps. The Bb will always be on the third line in treble clef, the Eb in the third space for bass clef, and Ab in the second space for treble clef.

So, why do the flats and sharps appear in the same order every time? This is to help you know what to play at a quick glance before you even get started. The order of flats and sharps are standardized across the world. This means no matter where go, you will be able to read them in the same exact way.

As a music educator, Teresa Rose enjoys helping others learn music and loves sharing how to learn to read music. Stop by her website to read more about the order of sharps and flats and to sign up for her free Learning About Music eCourse.

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