Friday, July 15, 2011

Guitar Lessons for Kids on DVD

For the longest time the best method of teaching younger kids and children to play guitar was using a private instructor. You'd enrol your child in lessons once a week and they'd practice every other day.

While the old method still works today children are far more technology savvy then they used to be. Considering they text their friends, carry cell phones and use social websites like Facebook constantly it's not such a far stretch to consider they might enjoy learning to play guitar using a DVD course rather then taking the same old private lessons.

In this article I want to outline why a guitar lesson dvd isn't just as good as but potentially better then private guitar lessons for your kids.

Attention Span

If you have kids then it comes as no surprise to you that most children have a short attention span. Trying to get them to sit down for hours at a time to focus on one thing is futile.

A regular private guitar lesson will usually last about 30-45 minutes per session. That's pushing the outer limits of a your kids attention span. With a guitar lesson dvd you'll generally have 15-20 minute sessions that you child will watch at a time.

This duration is easily digestible and with some fancy on screen graphics and multiple angle demonstrations of chords, scales and other techniques you're kids will stay involved for the entire lesson.

Learn at Home

Some kids are shy, they don't like being left any where without their parents. For this reason learning guitar from a dvd course can also be ideal. They will be able to learn from the comfort of home and not have to attend any private lessons at someones how they don't know or at a conservatory of music where there are a lot of people they don't know.

Learn with them

This is probably the best reason of all to use a guitar lesson dvd for kids rather then enrolling them in a private instructional program. Want to bond with your son or daughter? Why not learn guitar with them?

Buying a guitar dvd course means both you and your child can learn from the same resource at the same time. It will be fun for you and them.

Saves You Money and Time

Now I mentioned all the benefits to your kids, but what I haven't mentioned is the huge benefit that it can offer you. You will save money teaching your kids guitar using a DVD course versus paying for expensive private lesson each and every week.

While a guitar dvd might cost you $150 bucks or so up front you won't have to pay any ongoing fees.

Also the time you take to drive your child to a guitar class once a week in the evenings or after school will be eliminated since they'll be taking their guitar instruction right from the comfort of home.

Not Sure Where to Start?

Does using a guitar lesson dvd for your child sound like an interesting alternative to more traditional private instruction methods, but you're not sure where to start looking for the right course?

We've compared and used many of the webs top dvd and online guitar courses. You can read all about our experiences and use our reviews to help make your purchase decision. Visit us and check out our top rated courses at

View the original article here

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