Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Music to Medicate Unemployment

My sister just lost her job at a large well-known corporation. She had been there for more than a decade which means it was a really good position for her. When the company announced the cut-backs, due to the economy, she was immediately concerned about her position. However, with friends in high positions she figured her career was safe. Wrong!

During the next few weeks the company executives assured them that there was no reason to panic. Even though the company seemed secure for the moment she still decided to move into a less expensive apartment, in the same apartment complex, cut expenses like cable, landline phone, premium channels, DVR rental and other luxuries. This was her initial effort to save as much income as possible while searching for another position. The inevitable happened. Unemployed!

The endless search for another position started in an already crowded market of unemployed financial specialists. My sister and her former coworkers decided to start meeting to discuss their lingering unemployment, applying for unemployment insurance, explore stress management options, and to explore other avenues to become employed again.

After many weeks of meeting at their homes, they decided to treat themselves by meeting at a popular restaurant. While at the meeting it was suggested they go to a well-known spa to get a facial. Most of the women hesitated at spending extra money until they were told the spa had a special for certain women who are trying to keep themselves together during a rough patch, like being unemployed. The spa offered a buy one get one free facial.

That evening my sister arrived home with a more hopeful attitude plus she looked and felt like a million dollars. The trip to the spa gave her a more positive attitude about the job market, too. She told me in glowing details how much the music relaxed her. She forgot all about her problems like paying rent, bills etc. She raved about the conversation they had after the spa and how much the experience was enhanced by the type of music playing in the background.

Since the beginning of time music has been known to have a therapeutic effect on the soul and mind. In one of his famous quotes Plato said, "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything." Music gives people a sense of belonging and to have something to identify with. It is a creative expression of what is going on inside of an individual.

Music has the power to evoke positive memories, transforming the present negative energy into healing. My sister and her friends were rejuvenated while listening to the music at the spa. They did not spend much money to keep up their appearances to continue interviewing for new jobs. The most beneficial part of the visit was the discovery of listening to smoothing music which made them relax.

What happened with my sister and her former coworkers was really amazing. All of them decided to make a point to listen to smoothing music every day. Some of them have started learning how to play an instrument so they can make their own music! That one experience involving music relaxed their minds and conquered the stress of looking for new positions. It was an amazing accomplishment that left all of them speechless. Their search for new positions is still a priority but it is approached with a more relax and positive mind.

Music can be a smoothing and inexpensive medicine to relieve unemployment stress. Being unemployed can be one of the most stressful situations anyone can go through. The constant effort to find another channel of income can be nerve racking. Then add the day to day struggle of paying bills, raising children, and all involved work of keeping body and family together can be difficult to manage.

Some experts believe the rhythm or the beat of certain music has a calming effect on the mind even though the listener may not be conscious about it. The experts further suggest this rhythm could be our mother's heartbeat when we were in the womb. During that time it was a safe and protective place to be. The experience of rhythms later as an adult takes us back to the time in the womb.

Some experts suggest listening to or playing certain types of music can alleviate such illnesses as stress and high blood pressure. To get started using music as a medicine find the kind of music you feel comfortable listening to. Listening to relaxing type music does not necessarily deal with stress. It is the affect the music has on the listener. Be sure to listen to smoothing music that is comfortable and puts you at ease.

In my own experiences, the smoothing power of music has been a constant companion during periods of sorrow. Music is something that can never be taken away from the listener. Once a tune is in the mind it can be played over and over again no matter where we are or what we are doing. It is a powerful natural medicine that the brain records and store in our memory so it can be recalled and enjoyed.

Music is the type of medicine anyone can afford. The medicine can be taken at any time of the day and without the use of needles. All you have to do to take this healing medicine is sit back and relax. The music will do the rest.

At an early age the author discovered the positive benefits of learning how to play an instrument as a member of The Harmony Band. The band was a group of about 30 members that played the flute. Learning how to play an instrument lead to the author's discovery of life-long benefits like Discipline, Improved Intelligence, Enjoyment, Achievement and Stress Management.

At we strive to spread the word about music being a positive healing benefit for the mind, body and soul. Learning how to play an instrument has lifelong benefits that will help a musician throughout their lifetime. We believe music can prevent and relieve medical problems because it can be stored in the memory and enjoyed at any time.

View the original article here

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