If you want to buy cheap concert tickets for sale, you are likely to visit online classified websites. These websites are the source of many great deals! With that said, recent focus has shifted to online ticket scams. While there are ticket scams to be found on classified websites, such as Craigslist, there are many, many more legitimate offers out there.
When it comes to buying legitimate cheap concert tickets or sale or tickets for other special events, please keep these helpful tips in mind:
Tip #1: Be Cautious of Too Cheap Tickets
You want a good deal. After all, you are looking for cheap tickets for sale. Be cautious of too good of a deal. Don't assume that a scammer is going to swindle you for 1000s of dollars. Even an extra $50 in their pocket is $50 more than they had before. If an event is fetching $150 for tickets, don't expect to get those same tickets for $50. This is the example of an offer that is too good to be true.
Tip #2: Avoid Buying When Desperate
Most consumers who fall victim to scammers do so because they are in desperate need of the item for sale (in this case, tickets for sale). Really want to attend a sold out show? Promised your daughter she'd be able to attend the Jonas Brothers concert, but it is sold out? Try to avoid making promises beforehand because this puts you in a vulnerable state, meaning you miss most of the warning signs.
Tip #3: Attempt to Buy Tickets Locally
If you search classified websites for cheap concert tickets for sale, you should come across local sellers. This means you can and should meet the seller in person, inspect the tickets, and then exchange cash for tickets. Do not fall for the "I am a local seller, but I am out of town on business; wire me the money and I'll mail you the tickets." This is a major red flag.
Tip #4: Know That Pictures Can Be Altered
As consumers, we tend to put more faith into an online seller who uploads a picture. A picture of a concert ticket is nice, but it does not mean that ticket is real. Images, especially those posted online, are easy to manipulate.
Tip #5: Know What to Look for with Legitimate Cheap Concert Tickets
As mentioned above, you should personally inspect all concert tickets or other event passes before agreeing to buy. Pay attention to the little things. When holding a ticket in your hand, it is easy to spot the signs of a fake ticket. Be familiar with the venue in question; know if the seats are legitimate seats. Double check the date and times of the concert to ensure you aren't being sold an out-dated ticket. Check the ticket issuer's online website to look for signs of legitimacy on a ticket, such as watermark or glossy film covering.
So there you have it! You now know what to look for to ensure you do not get scammed with trying to buy cheap concert tickets from a seller on a classified website. As a reminder, there are thousands of legitimate tickets sold daily online, so don't be afraid to snag a good deal, but do keep the above mentioned points in mind when doing so.
Search all the best classified sites and online marketplaces with Tickets for Sale for Android. Get your free ticket finder today!
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